Mission police, city officials bring Christmas joy to family in need
MISSION — Upon reading The Monitor’s Spirit of Christmas story on Elida Reyna and her family, the city of Mission and its police department went above and beyond to give the Reyna family a Christmas they will never forget.
As previously reported, Elida, the great grandmother to three Mission CISD students, Mia, 15, Aleah, 13, and Esmeralda, 12, has been their guardian ever since the state granted her custody in 2014.
With the rising expenses of raising three children and with her husband and her recently having suffered medical emergencies, Elida said “Right now there won’t be Christmas or any of that but we’re here together.”
With the story going around social media, it found its way to the Mission Police Department where they quickly got in contact with the city to see what can be done to help Elida and her family this Christmas.
Early Friday morning Mission Mayor Pro Tem Ruben Plata, Councilwoman Marissa Ortega Gerlach, Assistant City Manager David Flores, Event Manager Amy Tijerina and Mission Police Chief Cesar Torres, alongside other police officers, delivered Christmas joy and much needed help to Elida and her family.
Elida, still recovering from a hip injury, immediately felt the love brought by the city and the police department.
“My grandchildren are going to be so happy,” she said in her living room. “Since they were small, they’ve never had this before.”
She said her and her great grandchildren are very appreciative of the gifts and help.
Asked how the girls will react to the gifts when they get home from school, she said with a laugh, “You can imagine (how happy they will be) but I’m not going to let them open until Christmas. So they’re going to be in suspense.”
The Monitor knows what the kids are going to receive for Christmas and they’re in for a surprise, which we won’t spoil for them.
Elida said they had just put up a Christmas tree in the living room the night before, just hoping there would be gifts under it for her great grandchildren. Now, through the generosity of the community, that hope is a reality.
“I’m very very happy and thankful for all you have done,” she said.
Plata said the minute the police department found out about the needs of Elida’s family, they worked right away to gather the resources to help.
“It was an honor for us,” he said. “This is what Christmas is all about … (the city council) works very well together to take care of the needs of our citizens. It is a blessing to give.”
Gerlach encourages residents to also give back and share the blessings if they are able to.
“I encourage everyone to reach out when they can and, and support those in need,” Gerlach said.
The emotional moment ended with a prayer and another round of thanks to the city of Mission, the police department, the United Way of South Texas and The Monitor.
Elida ended the interview by saying she hopes God blesses everyone and that other families also receive help and Christmas gifts.
To help Elida’s family and other families featured, call the United Way of South Texas at (956) 686-6331 and inquire about this family and the Spirit of Christmas campaign. The Monitor has partnered with the United Way of South Texas to garner support for Rio Grande Valley families in need of monetary donations, or other items and gifts.
The post Mission police, city officials bring Christmas joy to family in need appeared first on MyRGV.com.
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