Grapevine Bar broken into
The Grapevine Bar on Butler Street was broken into early this morning (Aug. 13).
“Getting woken up at 3:33 a.m. because the bar was robbed & safe stolen, 0 stars, do not recommend,” owner MJ Honea wrote on Facebook.
Honea said the bar is open, although “we’ve had better days.”
She said the call came just 30 minutes after staff left. In that time, thieves pried a solid steel door open and stole the safe. She said the same thing happened soon after opening on Maple Avenue.
“And we just upgraded the security system last week,” she said.
“We’ve had better days,” she said.
The bar is open and trivia night will go on tonight as scheduled. Then Wednesday is karaoke night and Friday is a U2 cover band.
The good news is “no one was hurt,” she said.
— David Taffet
Grapevine Bar broken into was first posted on August 13, 2024 at 3:58 pm.
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