Q&A: Arlington ISD instructional coach, incumbent trustee runs unopposed in May 4 election
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Q&A: Arlington ISD instructional coach, incumbent trustee runs unopposed in May 4 election

Incumbent Sarah McMurrough is running uncontested for her seat in the Arlington ISD board election. 

McMurrough, an instructional coach at Arlington ISD, won her Place 1 seat with more than 51% of the vote in the 2021 election. Arlington ISD trustees are elected to serve a three-year term for each place. 

Board Secretary McMurrough would have faced Realtor April Williams Moore for this year’s election. However, Moore instead opted to compete for Place 3, where incumbent Aaron Reich chose not to run for reelection. 

The election is on May 4. Early voting begins April 22 and ends April 30. Polling places will be announced as the election approaches. April 4 is the last day to register to vote. 


Before the election, the Arlington Report surveyed candidates on their priorities and reasons to run for office. Answers may have been edited for grammar, length and clarity. The Report has not independently verified the statements’ accuracy. 

Name: Sarah McMurrough

Campaign website: https://sarahforaisd.com/ 

Age: 39

Current occupation: Districtwide instructional coach

Family: I’m married to Dr. Chris McMurrough, professor at UTA’s College of Engineering. I have two boys, Danny (10) and Henry (3). Danny is a fourth grader at Little Elementary in Arlington ISD, and next year, Henry will join his big brother at Little as a pre-K student. Danny is a phenomenal child! He’s on the autism spectrum, and as a family, we’ve advocated for his needs to ensure he has access to the early interventions and support needed to thrive in school. Henry was born at the height of the pandemic and loves sports, animals and being outdoors!

Why are you running for reelection?

I want to make a positive difference in our children’s lives here at Arlington ISD, which will lead to a brighter future for our community. I grew up in AISD, graduated from Bowie High School and taught in AISD for 12 years. Now, this is where I choose to send my children to school. I am highly invested and heavily involved in our school district and community. As a districtwide instructional coach, I am in classrooms every day supporting teachers, which fuels me further to serve in this capacity. Education is not a political pathway for me; it is my life’s calling. You can see this in every facet of my board service. I want to continue the positive momentum of this work in collaboration with all stakeholders so our children have access to the remarkable education they deserve.

What are your Top 3 priorities?

Taking care of our students and staff, improving student achievement and fiscal responsibility. 


Why should I vote for you if I were in your district?

I am 100% in this for our children, and I hold the core belief that all children can learn at high levels. If you watch any school board meeting or have interacted with me over the past three years, you have seen my tireless work toward this mission in action. In addition to my values and background as an educator, it’s also important to look at my track record as a trustee. Among AISD’s key accomplishments during my first term on the board include:

Improved student outcomes post-COVID

Launch of the universal STEM-based pre-K program at all traditional feeder elementary schools

4% salary raises for all Arlington ISD employees in 2021, 2022 and 2023 (all three years I’ve served on the board), making AISD a top-paying school district in the metroplex

Lowered tax rate, including a historic reduction in the maintenance-and-operations tax rate in 2023

Increased campus security with an armed guard at every Arlington ISD campus

2019 bond project implementation with citizens’ oversight, including the successful transitions and grand openings of Webb, Thornton and Berry elementary schools

Searching, selecting and naming superintendent lone finalist Dr. Matt Smith

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Maintaining open communication and listening to our caring community members is very important to me. Anyone who holds a public office must operate out of transparency, collaboration and positive intent. I encourage any voter to contact me on my cell phone at 817-975-0893 or via email at sarahforaisd@gmail.com if they want to connect. I’m excited and hopeful to continue serving our school district and community! 

Dang Le is a reporting fellow for the Fort Worth Report. Contact him at dang.le@fortworthreport.org or @DangHLe. At the Fort Worth Report, news decisions are made independently of our board members and financial supporters. Read more about our editorial independence policy here.

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