Dallas City Charter Commission extends amendment submission deadline
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The City of Dallas Charter Review Commission approved this week that they will be extending the deadline for submitting proposed charter amendments to Jan. 19, 2024.
The Charter of the City of Dallas
“Public engagement is critical to this process. Extending the time to submit amendments a few more weeks will allow the public and stakeholders additional time to consider the kind of constitution they want to have for their local government,” said Allen Vaught, chairman of the Charter Review Commission.
Residents of Dallas are encouraged to submit amendments through one of the following options:
Email: charterreview@dallas.gov
Bilingual call line: 214-671-5148
Online Microsoft Form – bilingual
Mail-in form
In person at Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla Street, 4BN
Convening their first meeting in September 2023, the Commission is meeting twice a month through March 2024 to consider amendments to the Charter. A final report is due to the Dallas City Council in May 2024, with possible ballot measures going to the voters in November 2024.
A series of town hall meetings hosted by Commission members and members of the City Council began in November and will continue throughout the Charter Review process. Current and future dates for public meetings are available on the city’s calendar of events at https://dallascityhall.com/calendar.
For more information regarding the Dallas City Charter and the review process, visit https://dallascityhall.com/departments/government-affairs/charter-review.
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